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How Sleep Affects Our Mental Health in Manahawkin, NJ

By August 8, 2023September 22nd, 2023No Comments

How Sleep Affects Our Mental Health | Chiropractor for Better Sleep in Manahawkin, NJ

Hey everybody, it’s Dr. Nicole Bonner with Healing Hands of Manahawkin. I have a question for you, is there anybody out there that is feeling sleep deprived? Are you having trouble sleeping and is it affecting your emotional and mental state? I’m sure now that we’ve had some significant changes around the world, we have certainly had significant changes in our own lives and in our own families. And, as humans, for the majority of us, we hate change. It stresses us out, it messes with our body chemistry and more importantly, it messes with our sleep patterns.

Sleep Patterns & Mental Health

Anybody out there besides me, experienced any sleep pattern changes or sleep deprivation over the last few years? So sleep is essential for your overall health and your well being. Sleep deprivation can have a huge impact on your overall health. So chronic sleep deprivation has been shown over and over again to lead to a variety of physical problems. But sleep deprivation can also lead to a variety of mental health problems, including things like depression and anxiety. So when I say Chiropractic care, I’m sure most of your minds right now went to your TikTok videos that you’re all seeing out there with the twists and the cracks and the pops. That’s not Chiropractic care. That’s a release of air from the joint capsule when the spine is adjusted. It’s not anything crazy, it’s just a release of air from a joint capsule. But what Chiropractic really is, is a way to help restore homeostasis and relaxation and peace to the body. So Chiropractic care can improve sleep quality and it can certainly improve spinal function, which in turn helps to relax the body.

Research on Chiropractic Care and Sleep

There was a study actually published in the Journal of Sleep Research that found that regular Chiropractic adjustments improve sleep quality and decrease sleep disturbances among the people who participated in this study. So there is a lot of research out there right now about Chiropractic care. Sometimes I laugh or I chuckle when I hear people either in the community or even medical professionals that just haven’t kept up with new research and new data out there. They say that there’s no research behind Chiropractic. Guys, we have more more research in Chiropractic than you would ever in a lifetime be able to sit down and read through. I’m sure if you’re like me, you don’t want to spend most of your evenings at home sitting reading research, but the research is out there. What the research tells us is that regular Chiropractic care helps to restore natural state of your sleep patterns. It helps to relax the body, and it helps to get people out of that chronic state of sleep deprivation. Which in turn, helps balance the body and get you out of mental anxiety, stress and even depression. Depression will exacerbate if you are not sleeping properly and if your body cannot relax. Poor sleep also leads to physical problems as well.

Schedule your health consultation today to restore your sleep patterns and balance your body again!

Dr. Nicole Bonner

Dr. Nicole Bonner has been serving the Southern Ocean County community for the past 14 years. She is dedicated to sharing the knowledge, commitment and passion that she has with every man, woman and child, to help families reach their greatest health yet!