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Natural and Effective Concussion Care | Chiropractor for Brain Health in Manahawkin, NJ

By July 27, 2023September 22nd, 2023No Comments

Natural and Effective Concussion Care | Chiropractor for Brain Health in Manahawkin, NJ

Hey guys, Dr. Nicole Bonner with Healing Hands Manahawkin here, and I have a question for you. Have any of you ever had a concussion that continues to basically ruin your life, affect your relationships, affect your mood, affects the way your body functions, even post concussion? Well if you have you’re not alone, we see these types of conditions all the time in our office.Today I’ll be talking about how Chiropractic treatment can help with concussion care.

How Concussions Impact the Nervous System

So in our office we take care of a lot of families, we’re a family practice. So because we take care of a lot of families, we see a lot of children. Because we take care of a lot of children, we see a lot of pediatric athletes. And because we see a lot of pediatric athletes, we see a lot of people who have had concussions. So concussions can create a variety of problems in the body that can include anything from chronic headaches, chronic dizziness, chronic vertigo, chronic nausea, digestive problems, sensitivity to sunlight and sensitivity to noise. In fact, concussions affect the brain, of course, but concussions also affect the part of the nervous system called the brainstem and the cranial nerves that control what we call the autonomic nervous system. Your autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts, the sympathetic part and the parasympathetic part. The parasympathetic part is the part of your nervous system that helps you to relax. The sympathetic part of the nervous system is the part of the nervous system that helps put you into fight or flight. You’re gonna have an aha moment right now. Have you ever had a concussion, and ever since your concussion, you feel like you’re in fight or flight? Like you’re you’re stressed out? You’re you have anxiety for no reason. You can’t sleep at night for no reason. There’s a reason for it.

Concussion Trauma & Chiropractic Care

The reason is, is because when you had the head trauma that caused the concussion, the nerves of the brain, the cranial nerves, and the brainstem did not properly or completely heal. Okay, and that’s where Chiropractic treatment can help with your concussion care and recovery. How does this happen? Well, the brainstem actually comes down through a hole in the bottom of your skull, that actually comes all the way down to this top vertebrae, right here. The the cranial bone in your head is not one solid bone, it’s made up of multiple bones, in fact in your whole head there are 22 movable bones in your head alone. Get that, right. And then there are nerves that run through there. So when those bones get what we call subluxated, or out of alignment, due to a crash or head trauma it continues to cause pressure to all those nerves, and then the body can’t fully heal. Then if the body can’t fully heal from the concussion what happens is that leaves us in a state of chronic illness and even chronic disease.

How Chiropractors Make A Non Invasive Difference

There are a couple of the benefits that Chiropractic care has for concussions. Number one, it helps to reduce pain and inflammation in the body. Number two, it restores cognitive functions like when people have difficulty concentrating, or they have memory loss. Chiropractic care does a really great job in helping to restore that cognitive function and promote healing. Number three, Chiropractic helps people to have a faster recovery time. Why? Because regular Chiropractic care stimulates the nervous system, the nervous system stimulates the immune response and it also stimulates the circulatory system. So the body has a better immune response. And it’s also delivering blood through the whole body which brings vitamins and mineral nutrients and oxygen to damage tissue in the body. Number five is the best part that I love about Chiropractic and that is it’s totally non invasive. I know a lot of people see people getting adjusted on Tik Tok and it looks really violent. Okay, there’s a reason why that looks violent. And you hear all this cracking and you hear all this popping, it’s because it draws attention these YouTubers and these, and these Tik Tokers make a lot of money off of this stuff. That’s not what a Chiropractic adjustment is at all, a Chiropractic adjustment is very gentle.

The Stats Behind The Safety of Chiropractic Care

Anybody besides me a number numbers geek out there? Yep. I’m a numbers geek. If you’re a numbers geek, you’ll like this. The average medical malpractice premium is $200,000 a year. The average Chiropractic premium for malpractice is only 2000. Guys, if you were going to Lenox City and you were betting on the safety of medicine versus Chiropractic, which one would you bet on? All right, numbers don’t lie. That’s based on statistics of injury, right? That’s what those those numbers are based on. Okay. So some other things that Chiropractic help people with who have suffered with concussions, soft tissue repair. So when people are under regular Chiropractic care, soft tissue heals faster than when you’re not under regular Chiropractic care. It helps reduce inflammation, which reduces things like headaches, it helps with visual disturbances, things like that.

Hopefully this helped you guys out. It is a serious thing because brain trauma affects every part of a person’s life, from their physical body, to their emotional state, to their relationships. So we love you guys, and any questions, comments or concerns come see us!

Dr. Nicole Bonner

Dr. Nicole Bonner has been serving the Southern Ocean County community for the past 14 years. She is dedicated to sharing the knowledge, commitment and passion that she has with every man, woman and child, to help families reach their greatest health yet!