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The Most Effective Way To Heal in Manahawkin, NJ

By August 3, 2023September 22nd, 2023No Comments

The Most Effective Way To Heal | Chiropractor in Manahawkin, NJ

Hey everybody, its Dr. Nicole with Healing Hands Manahawkin. Today I want to talk to you about one of the most beautiful things that your body does, and that is healing. Your body is smart, your body is a genius, it knows exactly what to do and when to do it. Your body is constantly able or has the potential to heal itself naturally, without drugs or surgery. You know, drugs, medicine, only cover up symptoms, they only mask the pain, right? But Chiropractic is so different because it works with the body’s innate intelligence that controls and directs all of the regulation and healing that goes on inside of your body. Now, let me explain more about the most effective way your body can heal.

The Healing Process

So the healing process is a complex series of events that happens in your body. So let’s just say you are playing a sport, and you roll your ankle. So there’s a series of events that have to happen on the inside of your body. So the healing process involves three main phases. The first phase is the inflammation phase. The second phase is the repair phase. And then the third phase is the remodeling phase. So during the inflammation, what happens is, your body immediately responds to the injury by causing inflammation or swelling. I know you all hate it. So you come in to my office and you say, Doc, I have pain right here. Right? That’s because there was some kind of injury that caused inflammation, and the inflammation is what’s registering in your brain as pain. Okay? Now, the inflammation, I know you guys are not going to want to hear this, but the inflammation is good.

Why Inflammation is Good

Why is the inflammation good? Because inflammation brings blood, and what does blood bring with it? Blood brings a bunch of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and oxygen that starts the process of healing the damaged tissue. It starts the process of healing the damaged tissue. The second step, or the second phase to healing, of course, is the repair. So the repair phase is where new tissues form. So the old tissue that’s damaged, this takes time, the old tissue dies off and you actually have cells in your body that eat the dead tissue away. That’s actually what happens, and new cells emerge hopefully as healthy cells. Then the third phase is the remodel phase where the newly formed tissue are getting strengthened.

The Nervous System & The Healing Process

This restores function back to that body part, whether that’s the ankle, the heart, the liver, the kidney and that’s how healing happens. So all the healing that goes on inside of your body is under the direct control of the brain and the nervous system. I want you guys to look up how the brain and the nervous system are responsible for controlling all those three phases. Also, how actually having a clear communication link between your brain and your body will promote healing way faster. This is not just in your extremities like your wrists and your ankles, but the core of the body like ligaments, tissues, cells, you name it. It all gets healed by the brain and by the nervous system.

Visit our office for the most effective healing without medication!

Dr. Nicole Bonner

Dr. Nicole Bonner has been serving the Southern Ocean County community for the past 14 years. She is dedicated to sharing the knowledge, commitment and passion that she has with every man, woman and child, to help families reach their greatest health yet!