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Anti-Aging Benefits of Chiropractic Care in Manahawkin, NJ

The Anti-Aging Benefits of Chiropractic Care | Chiropractor for Anti-Aging in Manahawkin, NJ

Hey everybody, its Dr. Nicole Bonner with Healing Hands of Manahawkin. And what an appropriate time to be talking about anti-aging. Guys, I’m going to be 47 years young tomorrow, how phenomenal is that? Now by the time you guys are probably watching this video, I’m going to be even a little bit older than that. But we’re talking this month about anti-aging and the importance of your spine and your nervous system.

How Our Bodies Age Physiologically

In regards to how your body ages physiologically, right? Now, probably going to use myself as a testimonial to this, I’ve been getting regular chiropractic care since I’ve been 16 years old. And no, it’s not because I’ve had chronic back pain my whole life. In fact, when I started chiropractic care, 30 years ago, I didn’t even have back pain. I didn’t even go to a chiropractor because I had back pain. I had horrible, horrible, horrible health, a weakened immune system, chronic infections. And that’s a whole other story that we can save for another time. But chiropractic transformed my health and it had nothing to do with neck or back pain. So then if you’re, if you’ve never been to a chiropractor, or you’ve never heard this before, if this sounds kind of familiar to you, let me explain why. There are three things that you can do to slow your aging process down. And of course, the first one that I’m going to talk to you guys about today is the chiropractic experience. All right. Why?

Slowing the Aging Process with Chiropractic Care

Because your brain and your nervous system controls everything about you. And your spine is made up of 33 stacked vertebrae, that house the spinal canal in the spinal cord. The spinal canal is a tunnel that houses and it protects the cord, the spinal cord and the brain are the only two organs in your body that are completely encased in bone. So that just shows that’s just indicative of how important those organs are for your body’s survival, for life. Right? If you think about what goes over your nervous system, it’s literally life energy. Think about this for a moment. We all probably remember, I’m sure we remember, depending on how old you are. You all remember Christopher Reeves, right? Superman, he got into a horseback riding accident. And he fractured his neck and he severed part of his spinal cord, not the whole thing, but just part of it. And when he severed the cord, he lost certain organ functions. Okay, why did he lose certain organ functions? Why? It’s because the brain controls the organ function, and it does that through the spinal cord. So if you disconnect the cord, and the messages don’t get from the brain to the organ, the organ loses function.

How Physical Stressors Affect Our Body

Alright, what does that have to do with chiropractic care? Well, it has everything to do with chiropractic care, because when we have different stresses to our body, the vertebrae they don’t fracture like Christopher Reeves did that was just like a big example of the importance of the cord. But what happens is, is they do slip slightly out of place, the vertebrae slip out of place, right? So when that happens, it causes pressure to different parts of the spinal cord in the nervous system, then that pressure on the cord reduces the velocity of the nerve impulses traveling through that part of the nervous system. So what does that mean? Well, it’s not as severe as severing the cord where no messages are getting through completely. But there is a reduction in the velocity of the nerve impulse. So since everything every function in the body relies on the velocity of that nerve impulse, if the nerve impulses slow down, so does the rest of the body.

Physical Stressors and Aging

Now, what does this have to do with aging? Well, very simply, if your body starts to slow down, what are you doing more of? That’s right, you’re aging faster physiologically than you are chronologically. What happens typically, as you get older, you start to slow down. Have any of you wreck realize that or recognize that people who are under regular chiropractic care though, don’t slow down at that as fast of a rate as those who are not under regular chiropractic care. That was because of what I just explained to how the brain and the nervous system and the neurology of your body work. All right.

Reduced Nerve Energy Slows the Body Down

So the reduction of life energy flowing over the nervous system will absolutely slow you down and age your body way faster physiologically than what you are chronologically. The second step in regaining your youth is to move, move, move your body. All right, your body is meant to move your your body meant to be animated. What animates your body? Your nerve flow, right? We talked we just talked about that we talked about sir flow, the body is dead, it is no longer animate it, you’re a sack of bone in your sack of muscles. Without that life energy moving through, where does the life energy flow over flows over the nervous system, it’s the nervous system that allows your body to move.

Exercise for Better Nerve Flow

So exercise is absolutely essential moving your body now. If any of you are like me, you you don’t you either don’t have the time. You you might not or you might not have the time, you might not have the energy. And if you’re anything like me, you simply just don’t like to spend hours in the gym. So that’s not what this is all about. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym, it can be walking, because one of the exercises that I love is swimming or just moving in water. Why? Because water is buoyant, and it takes the weight of gravity and pressure off of your joints that allows you to get more motion in in the joints. Okay, the discs in between your spinal bones, the discs are essential number one there 98% Water, what does that mean? Hydration is important. How many of you guys don’t get enough water into your body, right? If your body and your spine is real stiff, and it doesn’t move really well. That means that your body is aging faster physiologically than what you are chronologically.

More Body Movement for Better Spine Health

If it’s difficult for you to go from a sitting position to a standing position again, that means the joints are not moving, you’re becoming stiff, you’re becoming rigid, and you’re aging faster than what you’re supposed to be aging. So, movement is important. Once again, you don’t have to have this rigid workout routine every single day. Although I do recommend having some type of workout routine, it doesn’t have to be every single day but having some type of workout routine. It’s it’s it’s very important to keep your body mobile as you get older. So you can work on doing things that have less shock absorption, things like walking or a jog, you know, and then as you get stronger, you can move into running. When you can move into jumping, the best thing that you can do for your disk health is to choose an activity that is is is the least Herot powering when it’s coupled with gravity. So things like the box jumps by marathon training will leave you more of a lasting aging resident will have more of a lasting aging residue and effect than a deadly slim power walker or a hike. So let’s keep moving and not living a sedentary life.

Grip Strength and Your Health

And now your third your third step is improving your grip grip strength has a direct correlation with mortality. Did you guys know that? So in our office, actually, every time we do an exam on a patient, we actually measure grip strength because research and science and data have shown that grip strength has a direct correlation with with people’s death rates. Okay, new and existing evidence suggests that grip strength is a biomarker of your biological age or your physiological age. That can be the difference between aging in place in your own home or spending your final years in assisted living that that’s how important this is. All right. Lack of hand grip strength can indicate premature aging and grip strength aligns with your Epi-genetic clock, which is an indicator of the age of your DNA. So the word Epi-genetic suggests that we can change the aging trajectory by changing our lifestyle. So in other words, a healthier lifestyle equals better trajectory for our health.

Start Now and Change Your Trajectory

I bet you guys didn’t know that you can actually change the expression of the genes. That’s huge you guys write that down, you can see that we can’t we now know from science data and research that we can actually change the expression of our genetic makeup. We used to think that we were victims to our genes, and we’re not newer science data and research shows us that we have more control over the expression of our genes than we actually think that’s a beautiful thing because that puts the responsibility in our court. And that gives us a lot of power to change the outcome of our future.

If you saw parents or grandparents suffer with diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, then you know what that’s like, and you can change the trajectory of your own life. The sooner you get started, the better off you’ll be.

Learn more about Chiropractic Care and Anti-Aging HERE.

Dr. Nicole Bonner

Dr. Nicole Bonner has been serving the Southern Ocean County community for the past 14 years. She is dedicated to sharing the knowledge, commitment and passion that she has with every man, woman and child, to help families reach their greatest health yet!