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Different Types of Stress In Manahawkin, NJ

Different Types of Stress | Chiropractor for Stress Relief in Manahawkin, NJ

Hey everybody, it is Dr. Nicole Bonner with Healing Hands of Manahawkin. Number one question that I always get when people look at their X rays is how did this happen to my spine? That is by far, the first question that I always get. And most people are very surprised to see actually how bad their spines look on an x ray. So how does the spine become injured, damaged or traumatized over the years? So the umbrella answer to that question is stress, stress, stress, raise your hand right now, if you do not have stress, is there anybody out there? Anybody at all that does not have stress? answer is probably not. In fact, when I say the word stress, you’re probably thinking of emotional stress, you know, the kinds of stress that we’ve been all going through over the last two or three years with all of the changes happening in the world. But there are actually three types of stress that cause damage to your spine and to your nervous system.

The 3 Types of Stress

The first stress and we call in chiropractic by the way, we call this the three T’s, three T’s, your thoughts, trauma, toxins, T T, T, thoughts, traumas and toxins. What does this mean? Well, number one is your thoughts. Okay. That’s your emotions. That is the emotional stress that most people think of when you say the word stress, like I’m stressed out, right? I’m stressed out. I’m nervous about this interview coming up, or I’m nervous about taking this test if you’re still in school, right? So those are our emotional stress. Somebody cuts you off on the parkway, you get like emotionally aggravated, right? God forbid you have a death of a loved one or a divorce. Or what about all of these changes that have been happening in our world over the last year inflation, gas prices, you name it, we are in the midst of probably one of the most stressful times, emotionally stressful times in the history of Healing Hands, I would say and healing hands has been around for over 20 years. So emotional stress definitely causes problems to the spine. Because when you become emotionally stressed, our muscles subconsciously contract, they hold our body, it’s like the brain goes into protective mode and scarcity mode, and the body kind of curls up tight ends and compresses. So when the spot when the muscles around the spine, tighten and contract, they pull the spine out of its normal alignment or out of its normal position. Now, because the spinal cord, which is 90% of your nervous system outside of the brain, because the cord is inside of the spinal bones and actually attaches to the inside of the spinal bones. Because it’s inside of there, when the spine gets pulled out of alignment, so does the cord. And when the cord gets pulled out of place, the cord has to stretch, it gets tight, it gets tight, almost like taking that little knob on the end of a guitar and twisting that knob where the string gets tight and tense. Right. So you know, if you typed in a string on a guitar and you go to strum it the sound, where the vibrational frequency that comes off of that string is different than when it’s relaxed. Well, the same is true for your nervous system and the way that your nerves work, okay, the tighter the cord, the slower the nerve impulse travels over the nerve. And when the nerve impulses slow down, while you can imagine since those nerve impulses run your whole body, then your whole body begins to slow down and then the body can’t handle stress at the level that we that it’s supposed to. It can’t adapt to its environmental changes and and disease starts to starts to be created inside of the body.

Stress from Toxins

The second T is toxins. So it’s thoughts, toxins. So there are over there are hundreds of 1000s of toxins in our air in our food and our water. And so there is no way to eliminate all the toxins but you in recent years you’ve been hearing this bit He pushed for go green and be clean, right. So that’s what that means, you know, we want to eliminate as many toxins as we can. Now, we just went through, you know, two to three years of massive toxin overload between the unwanted shot that and job that people are being forced to get. And obviously, the virus that has been traveling throughout the world over and over and over and over again, you know, that’s a massive toxic load on your system. And so the body has to be strong, and it has to be resilient, when your physical body has to be able to adapt to those toxins. And if it’s not, it will break down it will become diseased. Now, one of the things that we’re seeing is that clinically, in clinical practices is what we’re, this is what we’re seeing, you’re not going to hear this in mainstream media. But what we are seeing not only in chiropractic offices, but in medical offices all over the world. Some of my best friends are medical doctors, one of my great friends, is a top notch world class cardiologist. And so this is what we’re seeing in clinical practice is that people who got the shot. Number one is having an increased toxic overload with increased inflammation in the entire body, but specifically in the heart and in the nervous system. But then the people that got the shot, and then COVID It was like an explosion in the body of toxic of toxic overload. So the body has to be prepared to handle this type of stress.

Stress from Trauma

Now, the third stress is trauma. Trauma starts from the moment physic This is physical trauma, and physical trauma starts from the moment that you are on the planet, literally the birthing process itself, or in the birthing process itself, an obstetrician can use up to 120 pounds of pulling pressure on it little baby’s neck in order to release it from the womb. And if that doesn’t cause stress to the nervous system, then when the child learns to walk and has falls, and then falling off the trampoline, and falling off their bicycle and sporting injuries and all of these different physical traumas to the body causes stress to the nervous system. And then that weakens the body, it causes the body to fail at adapting to the environmental changes, environmental stresses that we are under so becomes like the snowball effect where like stress causes weakness to the nervous system, nervous system causes weakness to the nervous system causes weakness to the body, and then a weak body can’t handle the stress. And that’s why you see people, maybe even yourself were like, like, you’d start feeling stressed, you started feeling fatigue, you started not feeling great, I started having aches and pains. Then next thing you know, like the body can’t handle a simple colds. And now we have autoimmune and now we have myocarditis. And that’s why you see that gradual increase, or I should say decline, because it doesn’t want to see that, that that gradual decline in in overall health.

So anyway, hopefully that helps you guys better understand what’s happening to your body in relationship to what’s happening in our environment and what’s been happening in our world around us. Of course, if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. We’re more than happy to answer those questions for you. We love and appreciate you talk to you soon!

Dr. Nicole Bonner

Dr. Nicole Bonner has been serving the Southern Ocean County community for the past 14 years. She is dedicated to sharing the knowledge, commitment and passion that she has with every man, woman and child, to help families reach their greatest health yet!