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The True Power of Chiropractic Care in Manahawkin, NJ

By July 31, 2023September 22nd, 2023No Comments

The True Power of Chiropractic Care | Chiropractor in Manahawkin, NJ

Hey everybody, Dr. Nicole with Healing Hands Manahawkin, and if you are out there and you see a Chiropractor, you are probably thinking, Chiropractic is a treatment, a skeletal muscular treatment for neck and back pain. I’m here to tell you that Chiropractic is not a treatment for anything. In fact, one of my good friends, Dr. Laura Morrison has this amazing quote where she says, “if you go to a Chiropractor solely for the treatment of neck and back pain, it’d be like going to a Starbucks and just ordering water”.

What Chiropractic Care Does

What she means by that is there are so many more benefits to regular Chiropractic care than only your neck and back pain going away. In fact, Chiropractic is a holistic approach to your life. And did you know that people who are under regular Chiropractic care even see benefits on an emotional level as well? So I want to share a story with you. I had a patient not too long ago, and she was a diagnosed schizophrenic. This patient came in as a referral from an existing patient and she had all kinds of challenges. She was not bathing regularly, her relationships were a mess, her relationship with her father had fallen apart, she was not taking care of herself. She was self medicating with all kinds of different illegal drugs, she would be out in public and randomly start fights with people. She was not taking care of her home, cleaning her room, you know, her life was just, you know, falling apart in every way.

The Nervous System & The Brain

She had come in for her initial visit, and to be totally transparent, I had really never seen anything like this before. She was just a blank stare, you know, there was like nothing there. It almost looked like there was no soul, there was nothing behind her eyes. When she had her exam, she had multiple personalities. So she would literally switch in a moment. And she would start talking to these multiple personalities, and then these multiple personalities would, would come out and speak. It was the strangest experience that I ever had in 23 years of clinical experience, because you could literally see how these personalities change in her tone, her mannerisms, and even how she looked physically. So we did an examination of her spine and and her nervous system. As you guys know, as Chiropractors, we’re not looking at the spine as much as we’re looking at what the nervous system is doing with the brain and the spinal cord.

Reconnecting Brain & Body

The only reason why we look to the spine is because the spine attaches to the spinal cord. When we did a full evaluation, we found that she had significant trauma to her spine, especially her upper neck was significantly out of alignment. This was cutting off or choking off messages, or nerve signals, from the brain into the body. So the brain and the body were disconnected and so we started care in our office. Within just a few months, this young woman’s life completely turned around. She started taking care of herself. The next thing I knew she was coming into the office, and she was she was showering. She wasn’t smelling bad, right. She was was actually brushing her hair when before she had these dreadlocks in her hair. She was brushing her teeth. Then, as she progressed, she started to heal, she started dressing better. She started dressing cleaner with clean clothes. Then a family member had informed me that her whole behavior at home changed. She cleaned her room she showered on a regular basis. And she even restored her relationship with her dad. That’s the power of reconnecting the brain and the body.

So this stuff we call Chiropractic is so powerful guys. It is so much more than the cracks that you guys see on social media. And I just invite you to try Chiropractic care for yourself to see the benefits that it can bring to you, your life and your loved ones!

Dr. Nicole Bonner

Dr. Nicole Bonner has been serving the Southern Ocean County community for the past 14 years. She is dedicated to sharing the knowledge, commitment and passion that she has with every man, woman and child, to help families reach their greatest health yet!