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The Ultimate Natural Stress Reliever in Manahawkin, NJ

By August 3, 2023September 22nd, 2023No Comments

The Ultimate Natural Stress Reliever | Chiropractor for Anxiety in Manahawkin, NJ

Hey everybody, Dr. Nicole Bonner with healing hands of Manahawkin. I’m here to share some important information with you. How many of you guys have experienced increased stress in the last few years? Stress is part of life, but these last few years, you’ve got to admit, they’ve been a doozy. Let’s explore how this natural stress relieving treatment can help you.

How A Chiropractor Can Help

It has gone beyond just stress, it has developed into anxiety, depression and mental illness. Now, you’re probably wondering, why is a Chiropractor talking to me about mental illness, isn’t their specialty in the spine? Aren’t they muscle, musculoskeletal doctors that treat pain? And the answer to that question is, is partially yes, partially no. Chiropractors are a primary care physicians that specialize in the spine, but specifically in the nervous system. Just like how your Dentist would specialize in your teeth, Chiropractors specialize in the nervous system. Although Chiropractic care does really well with helping people relieve things like back pain and inflammation, that’s only because when we start aligning the spine. It relaxes the nervous system, and then the body is able to heal the way that it’s supposed to be healing from injury or disease. This causes inflammation in the body goes down, which means that symptomatology follows.

Chiropractic Care & Mood

Chiropractic care also impacts a person’s mood as well, right? So Chiropractic adjustments actually help to correct spinal misalignments. What that does is help relax the spinal cord and the nervous system. When the spinal cord and the nervous system are relaxed, the body can adapt to changes, the body is able to better handle stress, and then the body is not going to go into this downward spiral of anxiety, depression and things like that. So there was a study that was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine with peer reviewed published research that found that Chiropractic adjustments, improve mood and decrease anxiety in the study’s participants. So what does that mean? Does that mean that chiropractic is a treatment for for mental illness? The answer is is absolutely not.

Chiropractic vs Medication

In fact, Chiropractic is not a treatment for anything. It works totally different than medicine treats, disease, and symptomatology. Chiropractic restores your health using vitality and energy in your body so that the body heals itself naturally from the inside out. Does that make sense? I know that you guys are following me and and this makes a lot of sense. So what would you do? What should you expect if you were to go to a Chiropractor to see if Chiropractic can help you? Chiropractic can help you have a more fulfilled life, with Chiropractic can help you reach your optimum potential in health and fitness. When you seek Chiropractic care your Chiropractor should first and foremost do a thorough examination. You should never ever, ever walk into a Chiropractic office lay down on somebody’s table and just get an adjustment. If that’s happening, that’s negligence. Why? Because that Chiropractor is not taking the time to fully evaluate who you are, what you need and what you want, right? They’re not taking the time to evaluate your your spine with objective solid findings.

What to Expect for Chiropractic Care

So what should you expect? Well, number one is you should expect a complete and thorough consultation where the doctor sits down with you get to know who you are, what you desire, what’s been troubling you and where is your body not in balance? Where are you feeling stress in your body, you know, all of those kinds of things are very important. Also, they should take the time out of their day, even if it’s just four or five minutes, to explain to you what Chiropractic is and how it works. It can be very misunderstood and that’s why, unfortunately, so many shy away from Chiropractic, because the profession is so misunderstood. This is the third thing that the Chiropractor should do with you, and that’s a thorough examination. That examination does not hurt, but it should include testing that gives the Chiropractor objective findings. That might be a Postural Analysis test, a range of motion test, some Chiropractors even run Orthopedic, and Neurological tests.

Why X Ray is Important

In my opinion, if the Chiropractor is doing what’s called an Osseous Adjustment, meaning that they manually realign the spine with their hands, they should be taking an X ray. An X ray is the only way that we’re able to see inside of your body to measure see exactly what is causing your condition. An X ray is the only way to really know if that condition can actually be corrected. It’s also a way to not only tell us if your condition can be corrected, but we also have ways now to project the future a little bit in as far as how much correction a person is able to get. Yes, we can find all that out on X ray. So anyway, long story short, a thorough initial day one is to be expected when you go to see a Chiropractor in my office. I don’t even adjust the patient on the initial visit. The reason why I don’t is because I like to take time after my regular patient hours to sit quietly and analyze all the tests that I did on that patient to find out if I can even help them.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact us or visit our office. We’re happy to help and get you the stress relief you need!

Dr. Nicole Bonner

Dr. Nicole Bonner has been serving the Southern Ocean County community for the past 14 years. She is dedicated to sharing the knowledge, commitment and passion that she has with every man, woman and child, to help families reach their greatest health yet!