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What is going to happen on my first visit?

The doctor will do a thorough consultation to best understand the cause of your condition, an examination, and if necessary, an X-ray evaluation. Once she has had the chance to fully review the findings from your first visit, she will let you know if and how we can best help you on your next visit.

Will the doctor take X-rays?

If the doctors feel that you need X-rays to best understand the cause of your condition, they will take them at that time. They will have your results to review with you as soon as the next day!

How long can I expect to be in the office on my first visit?

In order to properly evaluate you and your condition without feeling rushed, we ask you to plan to be in the office for about an hour.

What do I need to do to prepare for my first visit?

Once you schedule your first visit, you will be sent our new practice member application to complete and return. On the day of your visit, we ask you to wear athletic clothing that will allow the doctor to accurately evaluate your posture.

Can I get adjusted while pregnant?

Yes! Not only is chiropractic care safe during pregnancy, but it has also been shown to improve a mother’s experience during pregnancy as well as the labor and delivery processes.

At what age can children get adjusted?

It is safe to get your child’s spine and nervous system checked right from birth! If the doctor feels she can help your child she will review the safe, gentle, and effective strategies used to ensure your child’s nervous system develops properly.

What is the difference between Spinal Correction and traditional Chiropractic?

Traditional chiropractors typically focus on how individual misalignments in the spine affect the practice member. In our office, we look not only at those individual misalignments but also at how they have affected your posture and the overall function of the nervous system! Using this system of care we have been able to help thousands of people where other systems of care have failed.

I have a surgical fusion in my spine, is it safe to get checked by a chiropractor?

Absolutely! On your first visit, the doctors will fully assess your individual condition to see if they will be able to help you. We have worked with many practice members both before and after surgery to help their bodies heal and function at their best!

I’m very busy, I'm not sure I would have the time to be on a spinal rejuvenating corrective program.

Did you know that people with poor posture and poor health have significantly lower production rates, take more sick days off, and spend less quality time with their children and families?

Spinal conditions are not only painful and annoying, they also deplete your energy and progressively break down your health.  We make it quick and easy to correct these conditions restoring your youth, energy, and vitality. This means that our practice members actually have more energy and time to be more productive, train harder, and spend more quality time with their children and family!

I don't think I can afford a spinal rejuvenating corrective program. Aren't programs like these only for the wealthy?

Absolutely not! Everyone can afford care in our office. Postural distortions and spinal problems are progressive conditions of the spine that cause your health to get worse every day. We all know that traditional healthcare costs are skyrocketing, and health conditions are actually one of the leading causes of financial stress. Spinal rejuvenating programs like ours stop the breakdown of your health so that you quickly get back to leading an abundant life where you don’t have to worry about poor health depleting your family’s resources.